Final reflection

Coming to the end of my touch rugby experience this year, I have had such a good opportunity to not only learn new things, but also work with new people from different grades, or even people in my grade then I haven’t had a chance to work with ever before.

I collaborated with lots of different people. not only people in my own team, but also people other teams as we sometimes trained together and worked together. Trying to work effectively with new people can sometimes be very difficult and frustrating, especially when they are people in different grades as you. I found this challenging but it never was too much for me to handle, in my team I had a couple of people who were in my grade and I was familiar with, although it wasn’t like we were close friends, but it was securing to have people that I still knew and we got to bond together due to that experience. We faced some challenges when working together, as some people were in different levels of skills and we easily got frustrated with each other if someone wasn’t preforming properly in the eyes of another team member. Although this did not happen to often, out coach would help us working together and make sure we weren’t wasting any time by talking or bickering in any way. As a team sport, collaboration is an incredibly important aspect as without the team we can’t play, and in order to play well a team relationship must be created so we can effectively communicate and collaborate during training and during games(LO5). I think in the end we all managed to work together as a team nicely, and I think everyone learnt more skills about how to work together well as a team with people you aren’t familiar with.

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