Project Week Final Reflection

Now that project week has ended, I can finally reflect on a wonderful and amazing trip and experience that the school has helped organised for me and my group. We managed to do 2 full days of service and 3 half days of surfing, as well as taking a local train for 3 hours all the way from Colombo to Galle. The service was not what we were expecting, we thought we were going to be working closely with the children/students there but instead we ending up only interacting with a few and our main focus was painting pillow cases and weaving matts for them to sell and raise money. Surfing was an amazing experience, it was extremely tiring but I think we all think it was a great idea and such a fun new skill for us all to learn. We filmed another video after the trip to reflect on the best parts and most valuable areas where we learned. As well as things we learnt on the trip, there were also many things we learnt to be careful of. We learnt about safety and being on our own, but also about how our actions can effect others.

Especially in our service, we saw how our contribution and actions effect all those working at the service, either in a bad way or in a positive way. We did our very best tone careful with how we spoke to the children in the service, being aware of how they would interpret our attitudes towards them. Making sure we portrayed ourself as comfortable with them even if we didn’t feel that way, as we knew it would have a bigger impact on them than on us. I think we did this pretty well as we never really felt too uncomfortable, and if we did we were able to laugh it off with the staff and/or with the children themselves. Our service really focused on children education, which is a very large global issue as many children around the world, the majority even, do not have access to education or cannot afford to attending schools. By helping out by weaving the matts and painting the pillow cases, we hope to help raise money for more children in Colombo to be able to have the supplies that they need for their education.

Final Reflection

Finally I have submitted my final EE, the whole process has been really stressful for me but also very rewarding. Having to do so much research was very tiring, but it was also very fun as my topic was genuinely something I am interested in. I think from my first draft, my EE has improved a lot and I have learnt not only about medical marijuana and social anxiety, but also important skills such as finding educational resources and learning how to insert in-cite citations into an essay. Although throughout the process my supervisor did change, both of them were extremely helpful in guiding me through this past year or so. Lastly, I also learnt a lot about how to navigate myself through all of the online resources out there, to be able to find the valuable and educational ones as well.

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Intermediate Reflection

After submitting my initial draft and receiving verbal and written feedback from my teacher, I have realised that my draft was not as good as it could have been. Since my initial draft was actually a fail, my teacher gave me a lot of advice and work that I have to do now. Some important notes from my supervisor was about some of my information/paragraphs being in the wrong order or even some paragraphs were unnecessary or repeated myself. I took all of my supervisors advice and reread and reevaluated my whole essay, deleting paragraphs, and moving others around. Another really important mistake I made with my initial reflection was my citations, specifically my in-cite citations. I was not sure how to do in-cite citations and forget to seek help before hand but after speaking to my supervisor and asking her to explain it too me as she understands as a teacher, I managed to try my best to add in-cite citations in al my paragraphs, linking my facts and knowledge to my citation list at the bottom of my essay.

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