Role of Technology in our lives

First Podcast I listened to 

Second Podcast I listened to 

Do we worry too much about the effects technology has on our lives?

Yes, we do. Time spent on restricting web usage could have been used to redirected usage of screen time towards more productive activities. It is reasonable to be worried about technology in our lives as there are more and more cases of internet addiction. but this effect is not just caused by technology, but rather the lack of practice people have on self restraint when it comes to social media and entertainment.


  1. The one thing I agree MOST with your thinking is that the time that we spend restricting the usage on the web should be spent on instead encouraging more productive activities online.

    What I now would love to think more about is how to train people and how to help them practice being responsible on the internet to avoid negative consequences of being online.


    The one thing I agree most with your thinking is that the time we spend with our devices can be used in doing more productive work.
    What I now would love to think more about is how to let people manage to work productively with their phones but not using them to check social medias or do other things.


    Good job! Very nice work and deep understanding!

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