Body Pump Reflection 2

To improve my fitness and strength more effectively, I have made a thoughtful plan for the Body Pump activity. Since the Body Pump session is at 6:30 in the morning, which is very early compared to my daily routine, so that I decided to sleep early the night before. This helps me to be more energetic in terms of doing workout, which I can see a clear progress that I could lift up more weights when I have enough sleeping, comparing to the previous sessions. Also, as I mentioned in last reflection, I plan to increase the weights every two sessions: In the latest session I put on 3kg on each side, while in the beginning I only did 1kg each. This shows the successful outcome of my planning. However, as I increase the weights, I know that as some point I might reach a maximum weight-bearing as my strength is limited, and if I keep increasing I might get injured. I think it is important to step out of my comfort zone and challenge for heavier weights, but only if that is based on my own physical condition and safety. Therefore, I think this is also process for me to find the optimum weights that I feel comfortable with, and to enjoy the activity.

Through this activity, I surprisingly find out that there are more girls participating in this activity than boys, while this is an activity which requires strong strength and fitness. This shows that nowadays girls have paid more attention on ‘being fit’ compared to the previous years, which is a positive trend because despite the benefits of workouts, this also suggests that girls are pursuing for healthy lifestyles to keep fit instead of using extreme methods such as strict and small amount diets which could cause the lack of nutrients and anorexia. I am not oppose of girls trying to keep fit, because we all want to look pretty, and one of the reasons I choose to do Body Pump is that I want to be fit and strong. This is very normal among girls, but I think that should always be on the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and positive mind. Anorexia is a serious mental health issue that appears frequently on young female, and the root cause of this because of the extreme and wrong method of losing weight. Therefore, from Body Pump, I can see the healthy lifestyle trend that more and more girls are focusing on their physical strength instead of pursuing to be ‘skinny’. This could benefit them from many aspects, not only on their health and fitness, but also shape, appearance and building confidence. I really enjoy doing this activity.


LO3: INITIATIVE (Planning & Initiating Activities)

LO6: GLOBAL VALUE (Engaging with issues of global importance)

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