
UFO sighting

Navy spokesman Joseph Gradisher has confirmed that three videos posted to the To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA)— the organization founded by Blink 182 rocker Tom DeLonge in 2015 to pursue research into UFOs and extraterrestrial life — do indeed show “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

I am empathic towards this, even though it seems as if there is nothing to care about, there is. The article was very interesting to me as there has been a lot of supposed UFO sightings than always has a reason to not be a UFO such as, “it’s a government plane”. I think that it’s arrogant to think that we are the only living things in the universe, as it is very big, bigger than we can comprehend, it is almost impossible, in my mind, that we are the only ones out there. I think there are a lot of people that would disagree with the Blink 182 band member, as that is their belief and not try to understand where he’s coming from, as they might have a different explanation to the videos posted even if a higher authority says that it is unidentified. There are a lot of things that can’t be explained and aliens isn’t something that is confirmed, but it hasn’t been debunked which I understand.

Applying the notion of outrospection to it, a lot of people must be disagreeing with Tom DeLonge’s views as they might not see where he is coming from and the evidence that supports him. They might think it’s silly that a band member has an organization, Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA), and might not believe him since he is a band member. However I understand that a lot of things haven’t been discovered, but I think that anyone could discover it but people would only trust others that have an authority or have power and have been proven to be right by other things they have done, such as scientists. But I am able to see why people believe in things such as UFOs as there is something that we don’t know about, and are curious to find out more.

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