Starts Here

Month August 2019

Goals for Grade 9

Some of the goals that I have for this year are, 1) Contribute to class more. I want to contribute and say more in class discussions or when the teacher asks a question, to give my answer, even if I… Continue Reading →

Should we encourage Artificial Intelligence to immortalise iconic musicians? Why or why not?

As technology gets more advanced each year, and new ways to use this technology surface. Artificial Intelligence has the ability to project holograms of musicians and program them to perform their songs and dances. For example, in 2014, a hologram… Continue Reading →

First day

I’m Ishita Gupta and I’ve just started Grade 9. Before the year even started, I was nervous, scared and intimidated, but at the same time excited. I was excited as I had new subjects that I chose, and scared as… Continue Reading →

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