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Month January 2023

TEDEd Club

LO3 One of the reasons that I chose this activity was that I have not done anything like it before. TedEd takes us on a journey, with the final destination being creating and delivering my own talk. This is a… Continue Reading →

Ladakh GC- reflection 3

Final reflection   LO6- Why is this a significant issue?  Having access to holistic education is important as it prepares and empowers the next generation of leaders and changemakers. Ladakh is a mountainous region, with political conflicts due to its… Continue Reading →

Ladakh GC- reflection 1

Initial  LO2  The most important skills I have grown in this activity are communication and teamwork. Within the global concern, we worked in small groups, each focused on different aspects. I was part of the enterprise group, where my role… Continue Reading →

SEC reflection 3

Final reflection LO7 I have definitely become more principled, understanding the nuances of sustainability and problems regarding the environment. The road to a completely sustainable economy is challenging, especially within our current global structure, but it is essential. This club has… Continue Reading →

SEC reflection 2

Mid-year LO4 After the first two seasons, I found it increasingly difficult to maintain the momentum and have people be and stay engaged. I noticed that attendance became infrequent. Also, as grade 11 and IB picked up with deadlines and… Continue Reading →

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