How did you change?

Demonstration, consolidate your understanding and growth 

Reflection, reflect on the overall process so far, raise questions, ask 


This project week looked different than what we were all expecting and hoped, but I learned to make the most of the situation to create a positive and enriching experience. I changed by learning to be more optimistic and open-minded, as I am not an artistic person, and don’t enjoy painting. Thus the batik painting was not my first preference, but going into the art studio with an open mind enabled me to learn more about a different culture and practice a new skill of batik painting.  Also, I learned to become more of a risk-taker and more resilient. For example, going kayaking for around 5 hours was daunting initially, but then it was also an adventure. It allowed me to explore parts of Singapore that I hadn’t been before. Project week, although not outwardly transformative, was valuable because it taught lasting lessons and skills that contributed to my growth as a person.