My UWCSEA Learning Journey

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TEDEd – reflection 3

How important was collaboration to achieving the outcome of my goal? Collaboration was crucial during the activity. Each step and part of creating my TEDEd talk required feedback and discussions. This allowed me to strengthen my communication skills, allowing me… Continue Reading →

TEDEd – reflection 2

What impact did my commitment or lack thereof have on the success of the activity? Being committed to the sessions allowed me to learn the necessary skills such as storytelling techniques, using body language and how to give and receive… Continue Reading →

How do culture and context influence, or shape, identity?

What is Identity?

IB subject combinations

This was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. Growing up, whenever somebody asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, my answer was simple, I laughed and said I don’t know yet. I… Continue Reading →

Digital Safety This unit was focussed on digital safety, and I found it interesting as we could connect it back to our community, and UWC. One of the things that I learned about was the idea of “banter” and how it… Continue Reading →

Gender, Identity, Sexuality

This unit we looked at the difference between gender, sex and sexuality as often these terms are confused. We also focussed on where gender discrimination is present in school. What I learned in this unit is that discrimination is present… Continue Reading →


Mr. Silverthorne was a principal of a school in England, and didn’t have much knowledge about other countries and their school and culture. An idea was proposed to set up a relationship with another school, and he chose a school… Continue Reading →

A Boxer’s Response to Racism

The story of how using other ways instead of violence to defuse a situation that could lead to people getting hurt, either being the person who initiated the problem, or the person acting on it. Mr. Perera was in a… Continue Reading →

Mentor conversations Jan 2020

We talked about my previous goals from last conversation, and although some remained the same, others I had worked on. For example, I said that I wanted to try new things so that I can meet new people and gain… Continue Reading →

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