Gordon Park – Photo Analysis

This photo was taken by Gordon Parks at a segregated drinking fountain in Alabama, 1956. It shows how bad racism was at the time in the United States. This photo shows a black family drinking water, from a drinking fountain, outside a convenience store. It seems that the other girls are waiting for their turn to drink water even though there is s second drinking fountain right in front of them. One interesting thing about this photo is how close the two drinking fountains are to one another. The proximity of the drinking fountains maybe because the white population wants to show their power and superiority and by doing this they are trying to ‘teach’ and provoke the black population. Another interesting thing in this photo is that the white people’s drinking fountain seems to be cleaner and a newer model than the colored ones. This may be to again imply their superiority over the others, by showing how they get the better things in life and are cleaner than the colored people. Through this photo, Gordon Parks was able to display how atrocious racism was back then, so much so that it took place even for a basic necessity such as drinking water in a public area.

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