Initial Reflection

After brainstorming a lot of topics that I can do on physics, I finally pinpointed on researching the efficiency of airfoils since I am really interested in aerodynamics and the design of aircraft. At first, I was trying to focus everything on the wings of airplanes, but my supervisor and I found it too narrow. Therefore, we extend the topic to the whole realm of airfoils which can be extended in the areas of helicopters, fans and submarines. At the same time, in order to narrow down the experimental part, I will be collecting data only about how the shape of the airfoils influence its lift and drag properties. Also, for a more doable experiment, I decided to use a triangle airfoil shape and only change the position of the maximum for my primary data collection, and use simulators to find out the optimal curvature for the airfoil as secondary data. This discussion clarified the structure of my EE.

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