Do We Worry Too Much About The Effect Technology Has On Our Lives?

I think that we do sometimes worry too much about the effect technology has on our lives; I think it is easy for us to use technology as an excuse for a lot of the bad, but also while recognising that it has a lot of benefits to us we seem to focus a lot more on what the bad aspects of it are nowadays looking at the easy access we have to it. I think that the human race has enough of a sense of the power of technology, and we do worry too much about what the effects are when we could be out finding better ways to combat any negative outcomes of technology. We need to appreciate technology for what it is, and instead of finding ways in which it affects our lives negatively, we should look at how to use that to improve our lives significantly. 

3 thoughts on “Do We Worry Too Much About The Effect Technology Has On Our Lives?

  1. The one thing I agree MOST with in your thinking is that ‘it is easy for us to use technology as an excuse for a lot of the bad, but also while recognising that it has a lot of benefits to us’. This is something I mentioned in my own reflection and I believe we should balance out the pro’s and con’s of technology better – sometimes we put unjustified blames on it. What I now would love to think more about is how technology can be used to counteract the problems we face with technology – how can it advocate for anti-addiction?

  2. The one thing I agree MOST with in your thinking is people tend to use technology as an excuse for the lack of self restraint ,and we should actually focus more on the beneficial side of widely accessible technology.
    What I now would love to think more about is how we can effectively use technology to improve on other aspects of our life.

  3. The one thing I agree MOST with in your thinking is how technology has so many major positives, but some people only seem to try and focus on the negatives, which undermines how useful it truly is to us.
    What I now would love to think more about is how we can work to eradicate all the negatives of technology, to make sure it is beneficial to absolutely everyone instead of settling for most people.

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