CAS Reflection – Weight Training (Activity)

  1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  2. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Doing weight training this season was a new experience for me, since I have not ever undergone any real formal training in the gym before, and have not really been taught what the proper techniques or different ways I can use the machines. It was a challenge for me in that I was not familiar with this environment, so I knew it would take some time for me to get used to the different exercises and to be comfortable with the new environment. However, after having my first session, I felt that I was able to adapt and understand some of the things that would be very useful to know when in the gym, and am slowly starting to develop and understand new skills in the process. It may still be a challenge for now, but I think that having a good instructor who helps me and guides me through the process, as well as having friends around me will really help me grow into this new experience.

In the same way, I was able to identify areas where I was stronger than others. I think this was really helpful in allowing me to see where I needed more work and what I need to focus on more if I want to really become comfortable with weight training in the future. I think that participating in an activity like this will be really helpful in that aspect because it allows me to understand where I am really lacking the ability to perform certain things, and to be able to understand how I can grow in these areas will also prevent any unfortunate injuries in such an environment.

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