My language World

While Making my language world poster I added some characteristics on my language life, I added in some things such as the things that influence the way i
speak and what does English mean to me, on my poster I tried to include as many factors of my language world.

While making my language world poster I tried my best to add the key factors of why language means so much to me, while making it I realized that the most
important thing that language has done for me is the interaction it has helped me with, So in my poster i added a variety of people that i talk to and their
background such as my family, friends and my culture, I feel like i had to add these things in because they were such a big influence of who i am today and that
reflects on my language, these are the people i talk to and speak to in my everyday life, it can change my tone of voice or even my scent. I also added factors of
my online and in real life way of speech, I added these because in this generation we are constantly on our phones and using social network I feel like I had to add
these in because the internet has helped and changed my “English” because of the internet i started using abbreviated words such as OMG (oh my god) or JK(joking)
these words has helped to change my “English”. I also added factors of my culture and The countries identify myself with, I felt like i had to add these in because
these countries have shaped me and how i speak(my accent), these countries has taught me languages to interact with new people on a daily basis. I added a part of the
language’s i have interacted with, this is important to me because this helps me communicate with more people, the more languages in interact with the more people I
can meet, this actually very important to me because i have met so many of my closes friends because of the different languages i have interacted with, Without these languages i might not have as close of bonds with my friends as i do now.

In conclusion I feel like I wrote The key factors of why language has impacted my way of living in my language world poster.

The role of Nature Vs Nurture in Identity/Gender Identity (Gpers)

Both Nature and Nurture has their own role in gender, I feel like you can represent this as a plant, I feel like Nature would be the seed of the plant, our biology, Nature represents our genetics and our biology same as a plant. Nurture represents the growing and your life. a seed grows up it can be given different amount of sunlight, different region and different amount of water, that the same as us humans, we are all brought differently we are brought up differently from each other, lived in different countries, interacted with different people and that’s what makes us different.

Nature affects your identity. David Reimer was born a male, but he has raised a female. In the end, he turned back and became a male. Even though he was brought up for most of his childhood as a female, he was still able to identify himself as a male This is all because he was born a male with male genes. Gender stereotypes are defined between the ages of 5 and 7. David was being raised as a girl at the age of 5 to 7 so he was nurtured with the stereotypes of a female and yet he still identified himself as a male.

Whats more important the idea? or the teamwork?

I feel like the teamwork is more important because without teamwork no matter what i feel like you wont be able to accomplish a lot or anything in that matter, if you have good teamwork you should be able to communicate well with your fellow team members and with good teamwork you should be able to complete the task. I feel like if you have a good idea but not good teamwork i feel like it would work out as well because you would be able to work smoothly you might argue a lot with your members and you might not have the goal/mindset. If you don’t have the same goal or mindset you wont be able to get anywhere, for example you might do the same thing in a project or you and your partner might have different ideas so you would do completely different ideas.