Writers Fortnight #4

The 4th and last person I listen to was a professional underwater-photographer, he told us many stories of him and him swimming with these underwater creatures, he told us that he publishes many books(about 2-4 a year) and that showing his life and photos in these is thrilling. He told us how much of an adrenaline it was when he was swimming with so many creatures, such as sharks, whales and even crocodiles, he told us that he would have to wait for hours for them to even come and that he would have to predict where they would be at a certain time, personally I don’t think I would have the patience to wait hours to take pictures of some animals, but I do see where he is coming from, taking a special picture of special moments can be very exciting. He even told us he had to swim with crocodile which was super dangerous cause crocodiles are the only animal with humans in their food chain, and he told us that the adrenaline you get from taking these pictures in so good!

Writers Fortnight #3

The 3rd person I listened to was a person that was helping the Save the Children and Unicef. Save the children is a international non-profit organization that promotes children’s rights. She has many war stories to tell but one resonated with me. It took a place a while ago, It was set in a village where there was a lack of toilet which meant the kids had to poop in a plastic b=bag and dump it into the rive to get rid of the faces waste. This method was called the ‘flying toilet’. These kids had to suffer everyday in order to do a mundane task where we take it for granted having all the accessories available for us. She had gone out to this village and found this river, this river was filled with plastic bags but what she found underneath no one could have expected. She had found a baby, a small baby just thrown into the river underneath all the plastic faces bags. When I heard this, I was deeply saddened and almost at brink of tears. I, as a resident in Singapore I have all these privileges just there I have to do no work to get it, but to these kids they have nothing, they don’t even have a toilet. This story has stuck with me and I will never again take for granted the privileges awarded to me.

Writers Fortnight #2

The second person I listened to was a professional footballer named Dan Bennet, He showed us the daily life as a professional footballer, Dan was born in Singapore and he played very well, one day when he came back to Singapore from college he was invited to play for the Singapore national team, he played against many amazing players in the world, he was even invited to play in many amazing teams in England. as a professional football player he told us that he had to make many challenging decisions and that he couldn’t only think about himself he would have to think about his wife and kids, he told us that a professional footballer you travel a lot, and that if you travel a lot you won’t be able to see your loved ones very often so instead of playing with a championship team in England he decided to instead stay and play with the Singapore national team. As a 40-year-old he still plays football and he trains like a mad man since he is reaching his retirement he has decided that he might want to take other jobs such as coaching and also being in real estate.

Writer’s Fortnight #1

The first session I went to was with Mr. Hunington, Mr. Huntington served as an educator at the prison. He was teaching prisoners how to get a high school degree so when they came out of prison they would have something to help them apply for jobs. Some other people would get high degree’s such as a college degree for engineering so when they came out of prison they could do something with their life. Mr. Huntington made a book called Mike Tyson slept here, in prison he joined the GED program and was able to help multiple people get a small degree that would really help the person out when they came out of prison, one of Mr.Huntington’s students in the prison was stabbed in his body and he bled to death, although this happened Mr. Huntington still helped other prisoners.