The thing around your neck

This little short story is based on the narrator akunna, Akunna’s family and friends define the American dream as cars, houses, guns, and plenty of luxuries. “Akunna‘s uncle picks her up from the airport. He buys her a hot dog and takes her to his house in Maine.” Akkuna’s uncle does not seem to most pleasant his behavior isnt ideal and seems to be more horrifying. Even if her uncle’s house and life seem idyllic from the outside, America shows itself to be not exactly hospitable to black people, and this lack of hospitality is expected and seen as normal.

What Does Your Accent Say About Who You Are?

This article primarily talks about how you accent affects you, does it affect your identity? are you proud of it? do you have a favorite slang from your city of town?

This articles states that most people don’t actually realise they have an accent, it seems completely neutral to them. Have you ever heard someone say “But I don’t have an accent!”? Have you ever been that person? Do you think you have an accent? Do other people think you do? “yes i think I do have an accent a very specific one nevertheless I think everyone in the world has an accent but a very specific one unique to them and the people around them” How does your accent use tone, rhythm, tempo, slang and language? Your accent is primarily based on the slang you use when talking to each other but also changing the tempo and rhythm of the speech therefore changing their accent as a whole.

Stress, Worry and Anxiety Are All Different. How Do You Cope With Each?

This article talks about the difference between the 3 topics, Stress, Worry and Anxiety. The article shows an in depth analysis of each of the topics and how to cope with it.


‘Stress is a physiological response connected to an external event.’  In order for the stress cycle to begin there must be a stressor, like a wor, deadline or a scary medical test. things that can help with stress is Get exercise, Get clear on what you can and can’t control, Don’t compare your stress with anyone else’s stress.


Anxiety is similar to worry but there is no stressor or threat, such as work, deadlines or medical tests. Ways that can help with anxiety are Limit your sugar … and caffeine intake, Check in with your toes, When you’re in the middle of an anxiety episode, talking or thinking about it will not help you. Try to distract yourself with your senses.


Worry occurs when you brain and mind starts thinking in a negative manner. Ways to cope with Worry is to Give yourself a worry “budget,”, When you notice that you’re worried about something, push yourself to come up with a next step or to take action.


Is It Immoral to Increase the Price of Goods During a Crisis?

The immorality of increasing the price of goods during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Colvin brothers Matt and Noah Colvin set out in a silver S.U.V. to pick up some hand sanitizer. Driving around Chattanooga, Tenn., they hit a Dollar Tree, then a Walmart, a Staples and a Home Depot. At each store, they cleaned out the shelves. I feel that this is immoral as people in LEDC’s who don’t have the funds or the ability to purchase these aren’t able to get necessities. I feel like although they see a profitable business they are’nt able to sell the products and mark up the price therefore there was no point buying that much hand sanitizer.

Covid-19 Outbreak

  • Practicing Social distancing – canceling large gatherings, closing schools and offices, quarantining individuals and even sequestering entire cities or neighborhoods
  • Donating to Food Banks – As the virus spreads, food banks could face additional pressures. Donating money not only gives food banks flexibility over which supplies — including fresh foods and paper products — to offer but also lets them decide when to refresh their stocks.
  • Assist at risk neighbors – Even if they’re already fully stocked, simply sharing your plans with one another can be helpful, particularly as people spend more time at home instead of out.