What Does Your Accent Say About Who You Are?

This article primarily talks about how you accent affects you, does it affect your identity? are you proud of it? do you have a favorite slang from your city of town?

This articles states that most people don’t actually realise they have an accent, it seems completely neutral to them. Have you ever heard someone say “But I don’t have an accent!”? Have you ever been that person? Do you think you have an accent? Do other people think you do? “yes i think I do have an accent a very specific one nevertheless I think everyone in the world has an accent but a very specific one unique to them and the people around them” How does your accent use tone, rhythm, tempo, slang and language? Your accent is primarily based on the slang you use when talking to each other but also changing the tempo and rhythm of the speech therefore changing their accent as a whole.

Categories: ELP

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