What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

The problems that were raised during article ad videos were that even though shaker heights, a multicultural society there is still inequality between black and white people. A topic that was brought up in the video was that some teachers were being biased. Some concerns that parents thought of was that teachers were not giving the same support to black kids that they would be giving white kids. A clear solution is to integrate an even split of black and white kids in homes and schools, this way everyone is even and there is equality for all. Responsibility lies down on how people treat each other, racial equality can be solved and integrated into and community through treating each other the same way.

What does Ng reveal about Elena Richardson in this extract? How is this effective?

Elena Richardson seems to be the human embodiment of shaker heights, shaker heights is an exemplar of racial diversity, Ng reveals that Elena is a lot like shaker heights, a person that likes to help people in need, Elena has very high ethical standards, she wants to help Mia, and she wants to help people get another chance. Although she isnt helping everyone she is still helping people who deserve a second chance.


My Project is based on the limitations of space travel. I have an interest in this project as we only have a limited time left on earth, therefore we need might need to find a new planet through space travel. space travel also interested me as i felt that there were so many fascinating facts and queries about the major topic, I’ve had an interest in the physics of why we rent able to travel to distant planets and the engineering problems that we had disabled us from traveling. My initial approach was to research about the limitations of space travel by communicating my findings in a report, but after further discussions with my teachers I narrowed my topic as it was too broad. My next steps to completing this project is to research major topics and narrow down the topics, then to collect my findings and report it, some challenges I might face is the complexity of the problem.

To what extent do I agree

  1. People are happiest when they follow rules. 3
  2. Rules are meant to be broken. 4
  3. Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. 3
  4. The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated. 3
  5. A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her children. 5
  6. Women with more financial resources make better mothers. 3
  7. Teens in high school should not be parents.4

“How has your thinking on this project been influenced by other people?”

I feel that my thinking about this project has been influenced by many people, I feel that it has been influenced by people like Elon musk and I feel that my project has especially been influenced by the people surrounding me, as earth is going through global warming we might possibly need to find a new planet as if we dont stop we will need a new planet.

What Students Are Saying About Humor in Tough Times, Expectations for Summer 2020

What Students Are Saying About Humor in Tough Times, Expectations for Summer 2020????

A topic that the article was talking about was Is It OK to Laugh During Dark Times? according to the article, Alex Williams writes about the therapeutic role humor has played during some of the darkest times in human history, they asked students if they believed in the adage: “laughter is the best medicine.” Nearly all of the commenters extolled the merits of keeping a smile through adversity but acknowledged that it is often a tricky balance to strike.

The article also states that it is important to have a laugh, especially during this time, he article stated that As a person who tends to dwell in negative thoughts, I believe that laughter is the best medicine right now. “As people we need a bright side to look for, and since we are quarantined, laughter and the sharing of creativity is the best way to bring us together”. this is important as we are in quarantine and the things that make people laugh on a daily basis might not be avaliable

The Corruption of advertising

Advertising has taken the world by storm, we see thousands of them everyday and advertising. In the 70’s people saw 500 adverts a day, now it has multiplied by a factor of 10, now we see around 5000 adverts a day. Concerns over the Facebook sharing user data and targets ads scandal has worried many people. Ad blocking software is more popular than ever, with 86 million users blocking $20 billion worth of ads each year in the U.S. alone.

Advertisement are not only everywhere they also create a lot of revenue. Currently, Facebook generates upward of 98% of its revenue from ads, while for Twitter the share is around 85%. Tencent earns only 17% of its revenue from ads. The rest comes from a highly diversified revenue stream including gaming (37%), online payments and other fees (23%) and value-added services like video subscriptions (24%).


My Major Dt Project

The Problem:

My Client is Chien You Huang a senior in UWC. As a senior he likes to socialise with his friends often, an activity he often likes to do is going on picnics with his friends but currently he doesn’t have anything to carry his eating appliances in. Going to picnics can be a fun activity, yet it can be frustrating when you finish, dirty dishes warm drinks etc. Chien often goes on picnics around Singapore or in his condo, but he hasn’t really had the time to invest into their very own picnic basket. Chien often brings cutlery, plates, drinks, and cups for his group of friends. At the current moment, he carries these eating appliances in his backpack which is very inefficient, and disorganized. Through primary and secondary research I also found that other people had the same problem, other people felt that some of these portable units were either too big or too small, maybe it didn’t include the necessary compartments to hold their items.

What I did to solve the problem: I solved the problem by creating a portable storage unit to organise his eating appliances, I created a lightweight portable system which organises its plates and cutlery.  I also created the handle and body of the storage unit to be ergonomic so it can be easily held and carried.









Creativity in my design process

Creativity in my design Process:

In this area of my design process I sketched up 5 different possible designs for my client, I sketched a range of design aiming to create my products for my clients needs and wants, I then evaluated the 5 products against seven factors; target market, aesthetics, function, safety, material, ergonomics and environment. I took these drawings did detailed annotations for each product to evaluate the products based of the seven factors and my client feed back.

My creativity was shown when I created a range of designs with different ergonomics, material and function. Although my creativity had constraints as the designs had to match the design specifications I felt that I was able to still create a range of designs that not only matched the design specifications but also create 5 completely different ideas, the ideas that I drew were 100% original ideas that I was able to draw through an inspiration board and talking to my client. I evaluated my designs through a thorough the specifications list while also receiving feedback from the clientele
