My Major Dt Project

The Problem:

My Client is Chien You Huang a senior in UWC. As a senior he likes to socialise with his friends often, an activity he often likes to do is going on picnics with his friends but currently he doesn’t have anything to carry his eating appliances in. Going to picnics can be a fun activity, yet it can be frustrating when you finish, dirty dishes warm drinks etc. Chien often goes on picnics around Singapore or in his condo, but he hasn’t really had the time to invest into their very own picnic basket. Chien often brings cutlery, plates, drinks, and cups for his group of friends. At the current moment, he carries these eating appliances in his backpack which is very inefficient, and disorganized. Through primary and secondary research I also found that other people had the same problem, other people felt that some of these portable units were either too big or too small, maybe it didn’t include the necessary compartments to hold their items.

What I did to solve the problem: I solved the problem by creating a portable storage unit to organise his eating appliances, I created a lightweight portable system which organises its plates and cutlery.  I also created the handle and body of the storage unit to be ergonomic so it can be easily held and carried.









Categories: DT

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