CAS Reflection Service 1

This year I joined lion befrienders as the service of my choice, on our first session our service discussed about the things our service would do to help the community, we also discussed about the norms and the steps it would take to make a successful service. What pervious experience have I had? Last year I attended a service called AMK Minds where we help the elderly with physical  education, Lion befrienders is very similar to  the service I did last year but this time I will  helping the elderly with more mental exercises. So far I am aware of some challenges that we may face because of covid -19, therefore because of covid-19 we will have to interact with the elderly online through video chat.


Gandhi’s Conflict

In this passage Gandhi talks about the turning of a english gentleman. He talks about his conflicts as he struggled to build his identity. In this passage he displays themes such as identity, acceptance, and change. He express his change of identity to an english gentleman as it seems that he wants to fit in with the rest of his peers whilst studying in England, although it may not be sterotypical he wants to identify himself as a english gentleman even though he is vegetarian. He express that he wants to change by doing dancing lessons, changing his outfit and having music lessons.

I want a wife

How does the persona express issues with her identity through this piece?

The person express her issues in this passage throughout the entire text. She explains that she “wants a wife”, I feel that she did this to highlight the large amount of work that woman do compared to men. she expresses issues with her identity through the suffering of common day tasks. She explains that she wants a wife because they help in everyday lives. she wants to display the amount of work that she does while also releasing the amount of work she has to do.

What does little red riding hood teach children about gender, society and sexuality?

Little red hiding hood shows many different themes such as identity, gender, society and sexuality.

Little red riding hood shows the themes is many different stanzas of the poem. Little red riding hood is first shown as being very innocent, on the 12th line “Sweet sixteen, never been” shows that she has grown up in adult hood, she then assumes a more vulgar persona. On the 3rd stanza little red hiding hood describes her “first” showing her gender and age growth. This quote is a continuation of the last quote, this displays that she has lost her innocence and had a first drink of alcohol, this also suggest that she is still very inexperienced in drinking alcohol displaying that she is still a mere child.

Who am I?

In Patel’s ted talk, he talks about who he is and what he did to find his identity, Patel talks about the different factors that go in when he we identifying who he was. Some factors that went into his consideration was his nationality, inspiration, social group and where he lived. He first talked about how he inspired to be a lot like Spiderman or Bruce lee but later was inspired by his father a more brave and important person in his life, thus is ambition was to be more like his father. He uses dance and emotions while using different varieties of arts to express who he is.