Over the last couple of weeks I have been doing pottery every Thursday after school, doing pottery gives me a chance to relax after a days work, I get sit with my friends and relax and make pots.

Doing pottery has given me a chance to improve my skills such as improving my creativity skills, my creativity skills have been improved through pottery as Im always pushed by 1 simple question “what should I make next?” Through pottery I have also had a chance to improve other technical skills. Pottery has been a very challenging activity all though its a relaxing time for us all to have, pottery is a very technical skill. Something that I found specially challenging about this activity is being patient, you cannot rush into things, towards the beginning of the season I would rush my creations and It would either break or turn out completely wrong. I was able to overcome this challenge by realising that I did not have to rush through things, therefore I remained calm and took my time towards completing my creation.