Cas Reflection Creativity 3

Coming towards the end of my creativity project, I have found that pottery has been an enlightening activity.

When doing pottery I faced many challenges, Some challenges I could I could overcome and some that I could not. Some challenges I could not face was managing my time, I was not able to complete some of my products as I would get carried away attempting to make it better or bigger, therefore I often didn’t leave any time at the end to glaze my product. How will I approach this challenge in the future? In the future I will attempt to manage my time better, this is a good skill to have as in the future I will be able to manage my time better and not be stuck up on trying to improve and add things on.

Cas Reflection Serivce 2

This year i’m in the service lion befrienders where I work with the elderly by teaching them exercises they can do at home.

Currently we are working to create a plan to interact with the elderly through a zoom call and teach them exercises. What activities did I plan? In the lion befrienders service we had to do physical exercises through a zoom call because of Covid-19 restrictions. We created a plan by creating a list of exercises we can show off and teach the elderly, we took theses exercises and split them between multiple groups. Who did I collaborate with to accomplish this activity? I was able to collaborate to create this plan for the elderly with the service chair, the service group, Sol (Fitness Instructor) and our service advisor, through our collaboration we were able to create this plan to show off to the service group lion befrienders.

Cas Reflection Creativity 2

I have been doing pottery for a while now, every Thursday after school, doing pottery gives me a chance to relax.

In pottery I was able to show resilience, perseverance and commitment in my activity. I was able to clearly show this when using the turntable, Using a turntable to create pots was a hard skill to grasp, I needed to learn different techniques such as the different speeds and being able to control the size of the pot at certain times. Although I failed many times by applying to much pressure to my pots when using the turn table I was able the persevere through the frustration and follow through a creation e some pots. I was able to maintain my motivation for my activity through my fellow peers and the pure enjoyment I get when relaxing and creating pottery with my peers.


What does your novel say about how the United States deals with Muslim immigrants and expatriates?

The Reluctant fundmentalist made by Mosin Hamid. After the 9/11 incident muslims were heavy backlash, discrimination and profiling towards Muslims as america was scared and destroyed by Osama bin ladin.

“My entrance elicited looks of concern from many of my fellow passengers, I flew to new york uncomfortable in my own face” When walking into the plane many of the passengers on the plane were giving elicited looks to Changez, This links loosely to racism, After the 9/11 attack he gets looked down at because hes a muslim and looks like a muslim. Hamid uses Imagery and the choice of words to paint a image in the audience’s mind to shows the judgement being shown to Changez.

what is the purpose of your trip to the United States sir?” she asked me. “I live here”, I replied. “That’s not what I asked you sir”, she said. In this quote from the book the officer shows hostility towards Changez, this hostility shows that muslim immigrants are not dealt the same way as others after the 9/11 attack, the attack has obviously been shown to turn even the officers against muslim imigrants.