Cas Reflection Service #4

Over the past few months I have been engaging with the elderly to keep them healthy by brining them through an engaging fitness workout. The mission of my service group lion Befrienders is to provide friendship and care for seniors to age in place with community participation, enabling them to enjoy meaningful and enriching lives. By engaging with these elderly every week we are able to communicate and give them a meaningful activity which gives them the benefit of living happier lives. After constant feedback from the elderly and our service partner, we have learnt that the activities we do with them help give them an opportunity to have a happy day.


Cas Reflection Activity #1

Over the last few weeks I have started a new activity, BJJ or Brazilian jiu jutsu. BJJ just like other sports take a lot of commitment. Starting a new sport is extremely challenging, when first joining I jumped straight into rolling(sparring) with my mates who have been doing the sport for many years, over the last few weeks Ive been submitted, thrown and endured many pains. I kept my motivation for the sport through the thrive of improving my skills in hoping I would be able to beat them one day. I’ve also had pervious encounters like these, when I was younger I used to do swimming and gymnastics which were very time consuming, not only time consuming these sports were also very challenging. Just like the sport i’m doing now BJJ is a sport that takes time and effort to complete and It’s time and effort i’m willing to give.