CAS Activity 2#

Over the past few months, I have been training under the martial art Brazilian jujitsu. While training I have realized that some people may have some ethical implications when studying under this martial art. Brazillian jujutsu requires the user the hurt their opponent by submitting them. The ethical implications that some may go through would be hurting their opponent, hurting someone through your techniques may not be in someone’s interest. After training for a while I have to realize that this issue may not be so bad. Due to the experienced opponents and the coaches nearby it, I found that it is very hard to get hurt and very hard to hurt someone else. In BJJ and many other martial arts, there is a mechanism called tapping out, by tapping out on the floor or your opponent’s body you can sign to them that you are unable to go any further. With coaches nearby to stop the fight at any point, it is also very hard to hurt your opponents.