This article talks about the difference between the 3 topics, Stress, Worry and Anxiety. The article shows an in depth analysis of each of the topics and how to cope with it.
‘Stress is a physiological response connected to an external event.’ In order for the stress cycle to begin there must be a stressor, like a wor, deadline or a scary medical test. things that can help with stress is Get exercise, Get clear on what you can and can’t control, Don’t compare your stress with anyone else’s stress.
Anxiety is similar to worry but there is no stressor or threat, such as work, deadlines or medical tests. Ways that can help with anxiety are Limit your sugar … and caffeine intake, Check in with your toes, When you’re in the middle of an anxiety episode, talking or thinking about it will not help you. Try to distract yourself with your senses.
Worry occurs when you brain and mind starts thinking in a negative manner. Ways to cope with Worry is to Give yourself a worry “budget,”, When you notice that you’re worried about something, push yourself to come up with a next step or to take action.