What does your novel say about how the United States deals with Muslim immigrants and expatriates?

The Reluctant fundmentalist made by Mosin Hamid. After the 9/11 incident muslims were heavy backlash, discrimination and profiling towards Muslims as america was scared and destroyed by Osama bin ladin.

“My entrance elicited looks of concern from many of my fellow passengers, I flew to new york uncomfortable in my own face” When walking into the plane many of the passengers on the plane were giving elicited looks to Changez, This links loosely to racism, After the 9/11 attack he gets looked down at because hes a muslim and looks like a muslim. Hamid uses Imagery and the choice of words to paint a image in the audience’s mind to shows the judgement being shown to Changez.

what is the purpose of your trip to the United States sir?” she asked me. “I live here”, I replied. “That’s not what I asked you sir”, she said. In this quote from the book the officer shows hostility towards Changez, this hostility shows that muslim immigrants are not dealt the same way as others after the 9/11 attack, the attack has obviously been shown to turn even the officers against muslim imigrants.




In Chapter 5, Changez is in a hotel in Manila, packing his suitcase and watching television, when he sees the towers of the World Trade Center collapse. “And then I smiled,” he confesses. Explore this scene as the turning point of the novel — in terms of plot, character, scope, and tone.

“And then I smiled,” he confesses. Changez flies first-class to Manila in the Philippines On his final evening in the Philippines, Changez turns on the television and sees what he thinks at first is a film, but is actually the collapse of the Twin Towers. Changez’s initial reaction is to smile. Changez’s feelings of satisfaction at the destruction of the towers demonstrates that he still considers himself an outsider in the United States, he didn’t realize how much resentment he felt toward the powerful United States for its affect on the world and on Changez himself until this moment.

Gandhi’s Conflict


In this passage Gandhi talks about the turning of a english gentleman. He talks about his conflicts as he struggled to build his identity. In this passage he displays themes such as identity, acceptance, and change. He express his change of identity to an english gentleman as it seems that he wants to fit in with the rest of his peers whilst studying in England, although it may not be sterotypical he wants to identify himself as a english gentleman even though he is vegetarian. He express that he wants to change by doing dancing lessons, changing his outfit and having music lessons.

I want a wife

How does the persona express issues with her identity through this piece?

The person express her issues in this passage throughout the entire text. She explains that she “wants a wife”, I feel that she did this to highlight the large amount of work that woman do compared to men. she expresses issues with her identity through the suffering of common day tasks. She explains that she wants a wife because they help in everyday lives. she wants to display the amount of work that she does while also releasing the amount of work she has to do.

What does little red riding hood teach children about gender, society and sexuality?

Little red hiding hood shows many different themes such as identity, gender, society and sexuality.

Little red riding hood shows the themes is many different stanzas of the poem. Little red riding hood is first shown as being very innocent, on the 12th line “Sweet sixteen, never been” shows that she has grown up in adult hood, she then assumes a more vulgar persona. On the 3rd stanza little red hiding hood describes her “first” showing her gender and age growth. This quote is a continuation of the last quote, this displays that she has lost her innocence and had a first drink of alcohol, this also suggest that she is still very inexperienced in drinking alcohol displaying that she is still a mere child.

Who am I?

In Patel’s ted talk, he talks about who he is and what he did to find his identity, Patel talks about the different factors that go in when he we identifying who he was. Some factors that went into his consideration was his nationality, inspiration, social group and where he lived. He first talked about how he inspired to be a lot like Spiderman or Bruce lee but later was inspired by his father a more brave and important person in his life, thus is ambition was to be more like his father. He uses dance and emotions while using different varieties of arts to express who he is.

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

The problems that were raised during article ad videos were that even though shaker heights, a multicultural society there is still inequality between black and white people. A topic that was brought up in the video was that some teachers were being biased. Some concerns that parents thought of was that teachers were not giving the same support to black kids that they would be giving white kids. A clear solution is to integrate an even split of black and white kids in homes and schools, this way everyone is even and there is equality for all. Responsibility lies down on how people treat each other, racial equality can be solved and integrated into and community through treating each other the same way.

To what extent do I agree

  1. People are happiest when they follow rules. 3
  2. Rules are meant to be broken. 4
  3. Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. 3
  4. The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated. 3
  5. A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her children. 5
  6. Women with more financial resources make better mothers. 3
  7. Teens in high school should not be parents.4

The Corruption of advertising

Advertising has taken the world by storm, we see thousands of them everyday and advertising. In the 70’s people saw 500 adverts a day, now it has multiplied by a factor of 10, now we see around 5000 adverts a day. Concerns over the Facebook sharing user data and targets ads scandal has worried many people. Ad blocking software is more popular than ever, with 86 million users blocking $20 billion worth of ads each year in the U.S. alone.

Advertisement are not only everywhere they also create a lot of revenue. Currently, Facebook generates upward of 98% of its revenue from ads, while for Twitter the share is around 85%. Tencent earns only 17% of its revenue from ads. The rest comes from a highly diversified revenue stream including gaming (37%), online payments and other fees (23%) and value-added services like video subscriptions (24%).


The thing around your neck

This little short story is based on the narrator akunna, Akunna’s family and friends define the American dream as cars, houses, guns, and plenty of luxuries. “Akunna‘s uncle picks her up from the airport. He buys her a hot dog and takes her to his house in Maine.” Akkuna’s uncle does not seem to most pleasant his behavior isnt ideal and seems to be more horrifying. Even if her uncle’s house and life seem idyllic from the outside, America shows itself to be not exactly hospitable to black people, and this lack of hospitality is expected and seen as normal.