CAS Activity 2#

Over the past few months, I have been training under the martial art Brazilian jujitsu. While training I have realized that some people may have some ethical implications when studying under this martial art. Brazillian jujutsu requires the user the hurt their opponent by submitting them. The ethical implications that some may go through would be hurting their opponent, hurting someone through your techniques may not be in someone’s interest. After training for a while I have to realize that this issue may not be so bad. Due to the experienced opponents and the coaches nearby it, I found that it is very hard to get hurt and very hard to hurt someone else. In BJJ and many other martial arts, there is a mechanism called tapping out, by tapping out on the floor or your opponent’s body you can sign to them that you are unable to go any further. With coaches nearby to stop the fight at any point, it is also very hard to hurt your opponents.



Cas Reflection Service #4

Over the past few months I have been engaging with the elderly to keep them healthy by brining them through an engaging fitness workout. The mission of my service group lion Befrienders is to provide friendship and care for seniors to age in place with community participation, enabling them to enjoy meaningful and enriching lives. By engaging with these elderly every week we are able to communicate and give them a meaningful activity which gives them the benefit of living happier lives. After constant feedback from the elderly and our service partner, we have learnt that the activities we do with them help give them an opportunity to have a happy day.


Cas Reflection Activity #1

Over the last few weeks I have started a new activity, BJJ or Brazilian jiu jutsu. BJJ just like other sports take a lot of commitment. Starting a new sport is extremely challenging, when first joining I jumped straight into rolling(sparring) with my mates who have been doing the sport for many years, over the last few weeks Ive been submitted, thrown and endured many pains. I kept my motivation for the sport through the thrive of improving my skills in hoping I would be able to beat them one day. I’ve also had pervious encounters like these, when I was younger I used to do swimming and gymnastics which were very time consuming, not only time consuming these sports were also very challenging. Just like the sport i’m doing now BJJ is a sport that takes time and effort to complete and It’s time and effort i’m willing to give.



Cas Reflection Creativity 3

Coming towards the end of my creativity project, I have found that pottery has been an enlightening activity.

When doing pottery I faced many challenges, Some challenges I could I could overcome and some that I could not. Some challenges I could not face was managing my time, I was not able to complete some of my products as I would get carried away attempting to make it better or bigger, therefore I often didn’t leave any time at the end to glaze my product. How will I approach this challenge in the future? In the future I will attempt to manage my time better, this is a good skill to have as in the future I will be able to manage my time better and not be stuck up on trying to improve and add things on.


My Project is based on the limitations of space travel. I have an interest in this project as we only have a limited time left on earth, therefore we need might need to find a new planet through space travel. space travel also interested me as i felt that there were so many fascinating facts and queries about the major topic, I’ve had an interest in the physics of why we rent able to travel to distant planets and the engineering problems that we had disabled us from traveling. My initial approach was to research about the limitations of space travel by communicating my findings in a report, but after further discussions with my teachers I narrowed my topic as it was too broad. My next steps to completing this project is to research major topics and narrow down the topics, then to collect my findings and report it, some challenges I might face is the complexity of the problem.

What Students Are Saying About Humor in Tough Times, Expectations for Summer 2020

What Students Are Saying About Humor in Tough Times, Expectations for Summer 2020????

A topic that the article was talking about was Is It OK to Laugh During Dark Times? according to the article, Alex Williams writes about the therapeutic role humor has played during some of the darkest times in human history, they asked students if they believed in the adage: “laughter is the best medicine.” Nearly all of the commenters extolled the merits of keeping a smile through adversity but acknowledged that it is often a tricky balance to strike.

The article also states that it is important to have a laugh, especially during this time, he article stated that As a person who tends to dwell in negative thoughts, I believe that laughter is the best medicine right now. “As people we need a bright side to look for, and since we are quarantined, laughter and the sharing of creativity is the best way to bring us together”. this is important as we are in quarantine and the things that make people laugh on a daily basis might not be avaliable


This year I participated in the AMK Minds service where we spent every week teaching people with ID(intellectual difficulty). We spent our time teaching these people basketball and floorball skills with the aim to get them to do well in the special olympics. Over the last few months we have had to learn new skills as we would need to work with people with ID, some new skills I’ve picked up are being gentle and patience, these skills were key as we needed to learn that these people aren’t able to do things like we can, The AMK Minds service has taught me various things which will benefit me in the future. Working with the people at AMK Minds has been a pleasure, the people there are fun and kind and working with them has been fun and rewarding.


Science mocks exam reflection

After getting my paper 4/6 back I feel disappointed yet proud with my score, I feel this because I feel that I could have gotten a better grade if I worked harder. 2 things I have learned about the exams is to keep track of time and to be calm, A specific exam was when I wasn’t able to finish the exam because I didn’t keep track of time and spent too long on other questions. A keyword I should have used during the science paper was force during physics

Our student-writers rose to the challenge, producing authentic, responsible and powerful pieces.”

I definitely enjoyed the process of making and producing my own news article during writers fortnight, I really enjoyed that I could talk about I truly believed in and because of that, I felt that writing about a topic I liked had a great impact on why I loved writing in writers fortnight. I really enjoyed the process of learning and researching about the LGBTQ community, being able to research these people really gives me thrills as i am able to learn about something I haven’t really known about before.