C1 Assessment- Particles and the Periodic Table

1. I felt that I did better than expected, I thought I was going to get a lot more questions wrong and get a worst grade than expected

2. One thing I did well was that I was able to use my knowledge and application, I also think that I did well in analyzing a question and applying it.

3. I did not have a good understanding of mixtures

4. for the next time I need to remember to keep track of time.

5. I will fail well by working harder

The role of Nature Vs Nurture in Identity/Gender Identity (Gpers)

Both Nature and Nurture has their own role in gender, I feel like you can represent this as a plant, I feel like Nature would be the seed of the plant, our biology, Nature represents our genetics and our biology same as a plant. Nurture represents the growing and your life. a seed grows up it can be given different amount of sunlight, different region and different amount of water, that the same as us humans, we are all brought differently we are brought up differently from each other, lived in different countries, interacted with different people and that’s what makes us different.

Nature affects your identity. David Reimer was born a male, but he has raised a female. In the end, he turned back and became a male. Even though he was brought up for most of his childhood as a female, he was still able to identify himself as a male This is all because he was born a male with male genes. Gender stereotypes are defined between the ages of 5 and 7. David was being raised as a girl at the age of 5 to 7 so he was nurtured with the stereotypes of a female and yet he still identified himself as a male.