How does Cave communicate abstract ideas? – What is Love?

Question : How do you show love?

According to Nick Cave, love is something to do with the “notion of being seen – the opposite of being invisible. The invisible, the unwitnessed, the unacknowledged, the isolated, the lonely — these are unloved.” That love is shown through actions. If no one sees it, it’s not considered love.

To me, I show love in different ways. Through words, actions, gifts, and spending time with them. I feel that words comfort people and the knowledge of someone saying it to them makes them feel loved. People thrive on spoken affection, praise, encouragement, and compliments. Actions such as hugs convey warmth and safety. Gifts could show them that you are thinking of them. For example, if you have a bad day, someone could simply give you a chocolate bar or leave a note in your bag to only find out you have it when you go home. This makes them feel better and that they are not alone, that you care for them. By spending time with them, it makes them feel important to you.  Failure to actively listen or long periods without one-on-one time can make you feel unloved. This is how I show love.


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