The Dress Promised Me Something the Doctors Couldn’t

It was about this girl who had an illness that the doctors were not able to identify or cure. They just had check-ups over and over again. It gave her no hope. She wasn’t sure if this was going to continue or if she was going to die the next day. The only thing that was there for her in a way were her dresses. They would come and in a way give her hope. That she isn’t just this patient who has a fever, night sweats, weight loss. She was something more. She had something to hope for. That she will eventually be cured and be allowed back into the world. Rather than going through the same cycle of check-ups. The kind of woman who went to cocktail parties dripping with perfume and family money.

Before I read the article, I thought it was a dress given to her by someone who she loves such as her family members or close friends. That it’s meaningful. Such as her mothers old dress or a best friends twinning dress. Instead it was just shopping that was giving her hope. I found it kind of unusual for a typical Modern Love as other stories always involved another partner but in this case its just the dress.

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