Service: Yoga Therapy with Tampines Minds

Initial Thoughts

(LO1)The first session began with us discussing our experience with yoga, and why we joined this service in particular. I have had a year or two of Yoga experience, often doing Hot Yoga with my mum.  Therefore I believe my past knowledge and interest in Yoga, especially the importance of breathing and focus, can help the group. My main focus with this service was to aim to decrease the stigmatization of individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities (ID). Being enrolled in UWC for nearly 8 years, I have had a lot of exposure and experience in service, especially working with individuals with intellectual disability. Previously I had worked with the organisation: Christian Outreach to the Handicapped. Though compared to the other members in my team I felt quite confident and relaxed about the working with individuals with ID, I was still new and nervous with the physicality of the one on one yoga session, afraid and unaware of the level of physical interaction I could carry out.

Research Process

As a team we researched and brainstormed possible questions but also got familiar with some of the conditions our clients are faced with. This was we have a solid foundation of knowledge by collecting secondary and primary data through the internet and first hand interview with the representatives of Tampines Minds.

(LO6) After the meeting with the two representatives of MINDS Tampines, it became clear to me that this service is much more than yoga or the chance for our clients to enhance their physical wellbeing. Although that is a large focus, I now understood that this service is an opportunity for our clients to interact more with other people to encourage social inclusion by bettering their social skills and practice what is accepted in everyday society. Little shifts in habit, like opting for a handshake instead of a hug, can make their integration into society a smoother process.

Brainstorming potential questions for the interview with MINDS

The first hand interview with our client at MINDS proved extremely useful as we were taught key information we we missed out on in the initial research step we did the session before. We were introduced to one major mindset we should avoid: the encouragement of Learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is a mental state in which an individual will belief that one is incapable of accomplishing the task at hand. In the context of Yoga with MINDS, learned helplessness can arise if us students help too much. E.g lifting their arms for them instead of allowing them to take the time to carry out the task on their own. Overtime the individual will learn to not try. To avoid this we follow these steps when carrying out the Yoga session.

  1. Demonstrate
  2. Observe reaction
  3. Take appropriate measure of support for example guide their hands
  4. Slowly lesson support to encourage independence

(LO2) A large obstacle for me was figuring out how to communicate with and support individuals who are Non-verbal. I then found that those individuals still like to be supported by verbal communication even though they do not respond and that because they may not adequately communicate it verbally we can gage their comfort level or thoughts by reading their facial and gestural expressions.

Often I wonder to what extent are we held responsible for caring for and making progress towards the integration of people with ID. This highlights the ethical implications (LO7) of working with individuals with ID as one must be well trained an informed to not provoke negative impacts. Therefore we underwent 2 sessions of yoga training specific towards supporting people with ID to create the best possible environment for our clients.

The Team

Emotional Intelligence Goal Setting

Emotional Intelligence – my musings around goal setting

Characteristics I Admire and Dislike

Admire Dislike
  • Casual and easygoing
  • Dependable
  • Giving
  • Able to talk to everyone
  • Keep long term relationships
  • Takes Initiative
  • Organised
  • Well rounded
  • Outgoing
  • Strong and not easily offended
  • Disloyal
  • Immature
  • Overly dependant / easily attached
  • Materialistic
  • Hypocrite
  • Unable to open up
  • Overly Sensitive
Skill I want to develop and why Skill I want to avoid and why
  • Thinking before I speak as sometimes I dont realise that things I say might impact or offend others
  • Beginning to acknowledge the other person’s perspective within an argument
  • My organisation skills have always been sub-par, therefore this year it is my focus point
  • Being too invested in others lives and gossip as it distracts myself from my own goals and deadlines

Wednesday 5 September

This year, I would like to especially develop two qualities in particular: being organised, and being able to disconnect and spend time to myself. As I enter a new phase in my academic life, it becomes increasingly more important to make sure I am constantly up to date, and not falling behind on small or large projects. Often times little tasks would build up, eventually toppling over on me, leaving me in a panicked and chaotic state. My organisation skills have never been the greatest and there have been copious amounts of times where I found myself up in the early morning hours vigorously studying or finishing an essay. This cycle is incredibly unhealthy and depleted my well being rather quickly, therefore this year, having organisation as the centre of my goal will hopefully help me develop a routine, and will reduce stress and improve my overall mental health. Developing my ability to disconnect from electronics, friends and other distraction will further relax me especially in the peak moments of stress. This time will help me recharge and allow me to perform better as I will not be as worn out. In previous years I would easily let stress overcome my emotions, often lashing out at family and friends. I hope as I focus on bettering my organisation skills and other qualities, I will eradicate my irrational outbursts and become a more level headed and calm individual.

I have already made small steps to improving my organisation skills by asking for support from my Mom (who is an avid planner) and investing in a personal planner so I can keep track of upcoming events conveniently.




Introduction to G11 Maths

Maths and Me

Although I have never been the one to greatly excel in math, I enjoy the challenge of problem solving, and find the outcome of solving a tough problem extremely gratifying. I prefer when new math theorem is taught to me, I am a visual learner therefore diagrams and visualisation often benefit my learning, and make the learning process faster and more enjoyable. After I am able to understand the concepts and ideas of a new theorem, I prefer to tackle and struggle through it independently, asking for help when I truly hit a dead end. In situations whee I find myself stuck in maths, which happens more often than not, I usually redo the equation or problem I’m working on, to check that I didn’t mess up in the working out or thinking process. If I am still stuck after two or three redo’s, I turn to a friend or the teacher for some guidance. It took me a long time to understand that it is intact ok to ask for assistance, and staring at the equation on your paper wont make it solve itself. I often judge a problem or equation before even tackling it, therefore I need to destroy the habit of being intimated by maths problems, and need to increase my confidence in maths.

Creative, Imaginative, Curious, Adaptable, Persistent, Collaborative, Flexible, A good communicator, Responsible, Open minded, Optimistic, Self disciplined, Reflective