
We had our second meeting with our patients and this session helped me re-evaluate many things. Even though, my lady is not talkative, communicative at all, it made me realise that because of this, I have to appreciate even more the moments when I can reach some kind of reaction and be happy for the smallest things. Yes, other patients usually younger and in a different stadium of dementia and I can’t compare our development to others. I was totally wrong, when I tried it. Now, I know that I need lots of patience and I have to see the positive side. This realisation help me to be happy, when she’s initiating eye-contact, or taking the Ipod onto her leg and starts to sing. These little moments are showing that there’s a chance to help and reach development. When we’re entering the room, she usually stares at one point and not looking at anyone, she’s not doing anything. So these tiny changesĀ  that I canĀ  create, means huge progressions.

Posted in CAS

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