End of the year Math Reflection

In my opinion, if I could re-do the academic year of Grade 11, I would take a more controlled and even approach. I would try to spread my work out more evenly. Do more practice throughout the year, to hone my skills, instead of working before tests and quizzes. Practice past papers in timed conditions as it really helps hone the necessary skills for the actual exam. I think the most important thing I have learnt is perseverance and asking for help. When it comes to HL Math, unlike any other Math course we have done before, there will come a time when you will struggle to grasp a concept. To move past this positively, it is necessary to either practice or learn the skill or ask for help, whether that be to your peers or your teacher. I think it is easy to recognise you’ve done well on a test or a quiz when you have a level grade, and good marks throughout all sections of the paper as that shows a good understanding of all topics coming on the assessment. I think the most challenging aspect was juggling 2 math classes therefore 2 math concepts at the same time all year around. This is because, both of the concepts are polar and it is difficult to be learning 2 different things at the same time.