Traffic(k) Light


Did you know that there are an estimated 46 million people living in slavery today? Human Trafficking is happening all over the world, even in a safe country like Singapore. We may not realise but the food we eat and the shoes we wear might be a product of trafficked labour. We are Traffic(k)-Light which is a new focus group this year that aims to raise awareness about the various forms of human trafficking mainly in South East Asia in partnership with Ms Sylvia Lee, the founder of Emancipasia. Realising that human trafficking is a very complex problem, she came out from the corporate world and established Emancipasia, a non-profit volunteer-run organisation, to combat modern slavery. We will be organising events such as film screenings followed by panel discussions with Ms Sylvia herself, exhibitions and many more. Together we aim towards becoming informed consumers and playing a bigger role in addressing the cycle of human trafficking.

Visit Traffic(k) Light's Portfolio

Read more about Traffic(k) Light, their goals, events, team and issue on their portfolio linked below!

Signup on CIMS

To join Traffic(k) Light, sign up here using this link or contact a member of the Service team!