Voices With Refugees


Starting in 2015, Voices for Refugees stands for and with the unspoken. Our aim is to raise awareness and advocate for refugee rights and human rights around the world. Students have the opportunity to discuss, research and take action on issues of importance where disempowered groups have been denied a voice. We also host annual events, our most well known being Write for Rights and World Refugee Day. Finally, we aim to contact and work with various local organisations to educate ourselves further on refugee and human rights, and take direct action to support them. Together, we aim to connect with and give a voice to refugees and marginalised groups all across the world.

Visit VWR's Portfolio

Read more about Voices with Refugees, their goals, events, team and issue on their portfolio linked below!

Signup on CIMS

To join Voices with Refugees, sign up here using this link or contact a member of the Service team!