
Welcome to this blog which is about my first week in United World College of South East Asia. It was totally different from my original school.I came out from the comfort zone and try to connect with more people in the community. Although is hard to fit into a new environment, I will be proud of myself for overcomes the hardest part. My expectation for this year is to improve my English language skills, subjects’ grades and being a real “UWCer”. In order to achieve these goals, I might make a plan in detailed which can reflect my learning.No doubt to say, teachers here are soooo nice and are willing to help the students with struggles.UWCSEA is a new starting point for me. In this week, we mostly played ice-breaking games during the classes due to everybody is new and does not familiar with teachers.This process is essential for a learner because it is important to know your coworkers and teacher’s teaching style. On Friday, we get to know more services, including GCs. The culterama is coming soon so everybody is getting excited about the school. However, struggles and hard feelings still appeared toward me, that might be same for everyone. Anyways, keep going!!!

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