CAS Reflection – SGM Murni Child Care Centre (LO3, LO4 & LO7)

SGM Murni Child Care centre service was very fun for me. It’s unfortunate that it had to end because I built a lot of relationships with most of the kids.

With their backgrounds, it’s important to recognise the ethics of my actions – I was understanding and compassionate with the kids. For example, I grew especially close with a girl named Zara who confided in me. She told me about her family and how it’s hard being apart from her parents most part of the day. In order to make her feel better, I would let her do things that she wanted to do. Sometimes she would want to jump on the trampoline instead of doing the activities that we planned, and although it might not have been the best to see her progress in gymnastics, it definitely made her feel better which I’m proud of.

As forLO3, we had to plan a lot of things, ranging from borrowing equipment to what kind of activities we want the kids to be doing. This project planning was hard as we had to consider what activities the kids would enjoy and the ones where they are less likely to get distracted. We prepared the aim, and purpose to maximise the activity of this service, while at the same time making the activities creative and fun.

Furthermore, another learning outcome that I have worked on this year in service is number 4 by showing commitment and engagement in the service. Although sometimes I had to miss service due to being sick, I enjoyed the company of the kids and I loved being involved with them. The connections that I built with them will stay with me and I really hope I will get to see them again.

Overall, this service has taught me a lot, like not taking things for granted, especially my parents. All the kids had different backgrounds but what most of them had in common was not always being there with their families but it’s always important to stay positive. I’m happy that the kids enjoyed doing gymnastics with us, and that they progressed throughout the year. This collaboration with SGM kids has truly been an amazing experience for me and I hope to do more volunteering work with children in the future.

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