A post that affected my week

I chose this post because it really spoke to me and how I felt. I think the other thing that enticed me was the fact that my friend wrote it. She’s someone I’ve known for years, she’s fully Kenyan and that was the thing that initially bonded us. Yet we had never talked about race before. Obviously, I knew that she wasn’t pro-racism or anti-Semitic or anything like that, we’d just never discussed race which I think is quite weird since we are both affected by bias/prejudice in this world. This affected me because it was as if I had these thoughts but I didn’t know how to word it. So when I saw this, this is the one that really affected me because to a certain extent the amount of people talking about it now scares me. It scares me because what if in two weeks no one cares and I think that this post really highlights the fact that it can’t just be a post a black screen and you’re not a racist or you’re supporting the movement. It needs to be a forever change. I know that I come from a place of privilege, I go to a private school and I have done for most of my life, I have family that can provide security if I needed it and I’m only half Kenyan meaning that the racism I have endured and will probably continue to for a lot of my life will never be as harsh as others. Yet when I spoke about racism before the protests and the riots and the ‘outrage’ people told me that my life was no different from theirs because of the colour of my skin. So this post is the one that affected me the most because I want change to happen, forever. Not just for now, because this is the type of thing that could give my nephews, my brothers, my cousin, even my friends a better life.

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