Greta Thunberg Video Conversation

In this video, we talked about the 16-year-old environmentalist that has shaken the world. We discussed the statement: “Greta Thunberg is an inspiration for young people everywhere on how best to harness the power of the internet.” Even though lots of people knew about climate change, and knew that it would change our world if we didn’t do something, the way she speaks has really given a new light to the topic, making people think more about how they live their lives and how they want their government to act. This group video is where we share our opinions about how she has not only changed the view for many young people on climate change but also how her attitude towards it gains people’s attention.

Here is the link to the video.

Nature vs. Nurture in Gender Indentity

In the argument of nature vs. nurture, I believe that nurture has a bigger impact on people’s lives, especially in gender identity. Nature is what you inherit from your parents, the way your genes are and physical traits. Nurture is when someone’s identity and the way they act is affected by the environment that they live in and the way they have been brought up. 

It could be argued that nature impacts a person more than nurture does since it is something that can’t be changed. You inherit your parent’s genes and that’s what makes you, you. Nature is the part of you that will always be there, you can’t change your genes, which would mean that the genes you have you are stuck with forever. But does this mean that we can’t change our gender identity and our views on it?

As written before nurture is when someone’s identity (in this case gender identity) is a product of the environment that they live in and the way they have been brought up. In the video that the MullenLowe Group made it showed that when children are asked to draw people working in specific professions, ie. fighter jet pilot, brain surgeon & firefighter, they all drew men. When asked to describe the picture they said “He’s big and strong”, “He rescues people” & “He gives you medicine”. None of them drew females in these professions. At the end of the video the women who were asking them to draw these professions then went and got into there work clothes, when they came out as a fighter jet pilot, brain surgeon & firefighter one of the children said “They’re dressed up”, they did not want to believe at first that women could do that job. A quote near the end said that “gender stereotypes are defined between 5 and 7 years old.” which means that if you are taught to not listen to gender stereotypes at a young age you can, in fact, ignore them for the rest of your life. The environment that these children need to be in is one where they can learn to see that you can do whatever you want as any gender. 

In conclusion, I believe that nurture can impact people’s lives more because no matter what your parents believe your genes can not define what you believe.