How can I manage my workflow?

in school, it is very easy to lose the track of all the deadlines and all of the assignments. It doesn’t get any better when it comes to tests either. So here are some strategies to help you out:

take rest between the study sessions:

people as young as us cannot focus on something for a very long time, so to escape that situation we should take breaks. By breaks I don’t mean you can go on your social media or any devices, go outside for a while and play to refresh your brain.

manage your time:

if there is a long project that will last in a matter of weeks or you are studying for an oncoming assessment, try to manage the study time a week before so that every day you will get a certain amount of time to practice that subject. It will prevent you from procrastinating and managing your learning.

prioritize your work:

be aware of the things that are due soon and which things are more important, this doesn’t mean you can lave your homework undone and only study for a test. You should prioritizeĀ it and use time management to helpĀ as well.

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