Online Bullying Reflection

A part of our new PSE unit has been about online bullying and how we as bystanders, instigators, and receivers can act. First off I think that a lot of the time there can be different intentions behind every comment, photo, or message that may be classified as bullying. Something I’ve come to realize is that a lot of the time the people who “bully” don’t even know what they are doing. In their eyes, they see it as a joke when in the eyes of others it isn’t. This is why it’s essential to always think not only from your own perspective but also to try and put yourself in the shoes of others. Trying to empathize with others can be difficult for some but in reality if you’re posting something about someone else you should generally ask for their permission. It’s important that someone who may have a problem with the post or is affected by it to voice their opinion in order to make the “instigator” aware of the effect of his or her actions.

That being said there are also a variety of instances when the bully knows exactly what they’re doing and how it’s making someone feel. In these situations, it’s essential that the receiver of such a message goes to an adult he/she trusts. Often they may not know what to do about it but it’s important to seek support from others. It’s also even more important that we don’t be bystanders in these situations. Doing as little as going to the person who’s being bullied and asking if they’re alright/if they need help is enough.


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