PSE reflection thing

i think we shouldn’t have had that unit about gender identity and sexuality and here’s why:

First off, it is a controversial topic. You could argue that that is a good thing, because it can spark debate and be a learning experience, but a controversy to this extent makes that argument irrelevant. The biggest argument, for example was between the ideology that there are two genders, and that there are more than two genders. When I presented the presentation about gender (because nobody else would) I explained what the terms for genders other than female and male are, and everybody was immediately angry and offended.  But, it wasn’t at the content, it was at me. i never once disclosed my opinion on the stance, but when the conversation turned from ‘there are only two genders’ to ‘it’s not possible to be transgender’, and the class also simultaneously agreed to that statement, I felt that things had taken a turn. I feel as though it is one thing to question the many terms there are out there for those who don ‘t identify as a girl or a boy (and i can even agree on that) but it is a complete other topic to agree to invalidate a large and valid part of the community, in school, out of school, and all over the world.

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