EconomEast- 2nd Reflection

EconomEast is an activity where students write articles commenting on economic events in the world. I have always loved writing but I have never had experience in an editorial especially not one focused on economics. When I joined, I assumed that it would be similar to writing an IA which I have done for practice previously.

By engaging in this activity, I have come to realise my strong writing skills and mature vocabulary when I write my articles. But after the editors went through my work I realised that I sometimes make some careless mistakes or don’t elaborate on some ideas.

I have found that I am good at choosing what I am passionate about and interested in writing about. I am quite aware of the economic issues and happenings around the world which allows me to easily choose my interests. When I have found a topic that interests me, my flow of writing becomes much smoother and I can write the article quite quickly and easily and coherently deliver all my ideas at the same time. But at the same time there are a few areas of weakness. Since I am an economics student, I tend to write with a lot of economic jargon to analyse the issue. But since the publication is aimed at an audience who do not necessarily have a lot of knowledge about economics, including the jargon can get confusing to the readers. This is something I must actively focus on correcting in my work.

I have improved on my grammar and coherence with the help of my editors as I see my requiring less revisions and corrections. I slightly struggled in the beginning with staying motivated to find a topic as nothing interested me, but as soon as I found the topic that brought out my passion, writing became much easier.

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