Defence of a quote about religion in politics- Persepolis

“It was funny to see how much Marx and God looked like each other.”  (Satrapi, 13)


“The religious leaders don’t know how to govern. They will return to their mosques. The proletariat shall rule! Its inevitable!!” (Satrapi, 62)


“The educational system and what is written in school books, at all levels, are decadent. Everything needs to be revised to ensure that our children are not led astray from the true path of Islam” (Satrapi, 73)


I have chosen “The educational system and what is written in school books, at all levels, are decadent. Everything needs to be revised to ensure that our children are not led astray from the true path of Islam” and will be defending how it is morally unjust. I believe that educational systems should be separate to the government of the nation. Iran at the time was a theocracy which made the government do extreme things like change school syllabuses to reflect their own views. I believe that students should get a well rounded education and learn about global significance to be more informed and better prepared for the outside world after graduation. By tailoring the syllabus to reflect only religious views the students could potentially become extremist and never be open-minded.

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One thought on “Defence of a quote about religion in politics- Persepolis

  1. Thank you for posting a thoughtful response to your selected quotation. It is interesting (and disheartening) to see how governments hide behind the veil (sorry for the pun) of religion in order to justify or further their own political ideologies.

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