EE Day Reflection

Today was EE writing day and whilst I felt a bit unproductive at times I think I have been able to clarify my EE a bit more and I have a clearer sense of direction moving forwards.

I was able to have a good discussion with Mr Dunn and Ms De Khloe, who helped with some of the necessary terminology related to Sports Science. I learnt that whilst I was only looking at BMI, that is not actually that useful or commonly used in the sports industry as an athlete’s ‘fitness’ is actually more based on their ability to meet the demands of their environment- instead he told me that they often use Body Fat percentages. This can give me more evaluation for my essay as often in society we may look at BMI without realising that this isn’t very accurate.

I’m proud that I think I managed to clarify my research topic a bit more and although I still have quite a lot of ideas, I think I am a bit more clear on what my essay may look like. I was struggling to find a psychological theory to use, but I have found one which I think could work- social physique anxiety.

I managed to start my introduction so moving forwards I need to finish this and also create a structure for my essay (such as the subheadings) and find more research, particularly for my second sport- which I think will be basketball.

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