EE 2nd Reflection

Initially I was worried that, because I had significantly narrowed down my research question, that I wouldn’t be able to find enough related studies. As it turned out, I found a surprisingly large number of supporting material but my supervisor and I realised that I now need to engage more with the sources and critically analyse, rather than summarise them. This is something which I’m glad I am more aware of now as it is applicable to many writing tasks and future essays. Researching this topic has been very fascinating as I’ve gained some insight into the world of gymnastic, such as the immense pressures from being judged not only on your technique but also your physique, which I otherwise wouldn’t be exposed to. However I now need to prioritise all the interesting theories and ideas I’ve found to form a tighter, more structured argument.


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One thought on “EE 2nd Reflection

  1. Nayana,
    You’ve done a nice job reflecting on your Extended Essay experience to date and have a good grasp of both the content material and the process of research and writing. Your understanding of the research articles is good and you’ve identified theories in both Sports Science and Psychology that pertain to your topic. You have shown that you are now aware of the need to critically analyze the research and develop your own point of view to address your research question. Keep up the good work.

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