Political cartoon analysis reflection

  • What have I learned about creating meaning through the interaction of visual and lexical elements?

I have learned a lot about the different techniques used through visual and lexical elements, as we have analyzed in various political cartoons. TheĀ lexical elements of a language are the words, punctuation, and grammar rules of the language.

  • How are ideas communicated through the interaction of visual and lexical elements?

Idea’s are communicated through subjects, objects, lexical elements, colour and various drawing techniques in political cartoons, through these- the cartoonist is able to create a cartoon that sparks emotions and contains ideas that spark the reader’s interest.

  • What are the similarities and differences between an opinion article and a political cartoon?

A political cartoon is a representation of one side of a topic, this can come with bias, but so can opinion articles. Opinion articles are however backed up by statistics and facts and contain more research and proves it’s point while a political cartoon shows a message, and possib

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