Modern Love essay from a Mythic or powerful

There is never a beneficial time for a king in 1891 to go against his father’s orders to rescue his sister in another utopia.

1891, The year of my commemoration, June 18th, the day I finally be crowned king of Utopia. Seeing my father beaming from teeth-to-teeth, he waved his razor-sharp sword over my shoulder, and handed me the crown; and just like that, I was the new king. I could see and hear the countless citizens, now MY countless citizens clapping from below the town hall’s balcony. I glanced by head around, head raised, feeling superior as kings do. With this new power I shall do good, hold up the family’s tradition. Retreating back into the town hall, I looked around the back of the utopia to see all of my slaves tirelessly working, hunched over with exhaustion. One caught my eye, a slave, a woman, in her 20’s not working, sitting down in protest to the circumstances. I looked at my guards and ordered them to bring her to me at my throne.

Enter Sylvalina, a female slave in her 20’s. What is your name peasant?,” I asked. She murmured Sylvalina, her head down low looking to the ground below my feet. Seeming distraught I asserted my dominance upon her and demanded why she is not tending the fields. She replied shaking, “my-my little brother’s gone mis -missing.” Where is your brother from?, when she replied signutopia, the utopia across from one, our opposition- I threw down my stake and ordered she be punished for such irrational behaviour. To which she replied, punishing me will do no good to anyone. Through a moment of sudden and utmost clarity, I decided to help.

I ordered the guards to leave the throne room and guard the doors so no one could see. Then me and this woman, Sylvalina walk to a dining table and I ask her to sit down and recount her brother’s last whereabouts. After she finishes speaking, I thank her for coming to me, and compliment her personality, she blushed and quickly looked away. She suddenly jumps up and embraces my cold, iron armour. Almost calling in the guards, I let it happen.

Suddenly I understood what love means, that family connection, familial love. The connection I wish I had with my own sister. My sister who my father had banished, my sister in jail in that same distant utopia, signutopia. I knew I had to join Sylvalina on the journey to reinitiate that connection with my sister, and her brother. I tell the guards to prepare themselves and the chariot, it is time to embark on this journey. Suddenly I turned for the better, from my ignorant self, have chosen to sacrifice my kingship for my sister.

The sister-brotherly connection.

An interlude of clarity.


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