The ‘Zombie’ Generation

  1. The first confusing image may be one of the sheep and the graveyards. What I am trying to represent here is how I believe that our generation are like sheep -> always leaping onto the new ‘fad’ or ‘trend’, following it mindlessly, despite the danger [i.e. the tide pod challenge] it may have
  2. The lightbulb is meant to represent ideas and change -> as I do believe that our generation has the potential to make a large impact on this world, whether positive or negative, is undecided as of yet. Not only do we have access to thousands of tools the previous generations never had [i.e. ability to gain global recognition via the internet, Artificial Intelligence, changing/reforming education system that equips us with vital skills like leadership, and so on]
  3. The ornaments are meant to represent how we as a generation have such short attention spans, constantly requiring our information to be chopped up and condensed into incredibly short spans so we do not get bored
  4. The comic is a reference to the concept of political correctness, and how as a society, we have become so incredibly sensitive to trivial issues, it has had far-reaching repercussions. Articles such as restaurants being closed down for supposedly racist names such as ‘Luigi’ as well as the recent H&M controversy.  
  5. The picture of the shoes represents TOMS, a social enterprise that is currently trying to do good in society. I have chosen this as I believe that as a whole, are society is much more aware of the problems around the globe, and is very involved with actively trying to solve them [UWCSEA Service Element of Learning]
  6. The other pictures of course, include idols of our time, such as the ‘Chainsmokers’ [pop music duo] as well as ‘Kendrick Lamar’ [rapper]. There are also images of popular social medias, a sign of how we are not only depicted by the media and other generations as being addicts to the internet, but also how we truly are, in some ways, addicted to our phones


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One thought on “The ‘Zombie’ Generation”

  1. I really like how you explained your images in a lot of details. I also like the images you chose and the symbolism behind them. Maybe choose less symbolistic images and just choose ones that show what you mean straight up, because there can be a lot of interpretations to most of the images you chose.

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