Child Marrige

What are the Human rights that are being violated?

Article 1,3,4,5,7

When does it happen?

When girls first get their menstrual cycle [around the age of 13]

Why does it happen?

  • Religion: Several religions such as Islam, have certain interpretations where child marriage is correct with people using Quran as justification [although there is no mention in the Quran that justifies child marriage]
  • Family Honour: Tradition in many communities to be married at a young age and if this does not happen, it is considered shameful (there also exists the concept of DOWRY)
  • Protection: People believe that marrying their daughter off will result in her protection
  • Poverty: Often, families do not have a choice, especially if they cannot provide for her. They believe it might be better marrying her off, especially if it is to someone in a higher caste

Case Study: In Tanzania, there exists the Messiah tribe. Child religion is  an important part of their culture,  with many, girls especially, being married off when 12

How are the rights protected?

  • UN committee of child rights requires each nation to send reports of child rights -and in return, gives back feedback and recommendations
  • NGOs work with them as well

Universalism vs Relative culturalism:

Most parents agree with what is going on in communities where this occurs [tradition],  whereas the organization, UNICEF, talks about how marriage at age 18 should be the norm.


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One thought on “Child Marrige”

  1. This is a nice piece of writing although I think that it would have been more successful if you had included your own perspective, as well as going into more depth with other perspectives, and comparing the differences. Something that you did well was to talk a lot about why this issue is relevant and why it happens. One other thing to improve on could be to include what the articles 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 actually are, and how they are each affected.

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